Molly was born on July 7, 2007 at 9:35am. She proved to be quite the "lucky" girl -- fitting her birthdate -- as she was born via emergency c-section. The team at Sutter Davis Birthing Center were amazing! When Molly's heart rate suddenly dropped off the chart they flew into action and did one of the fastest c-sections on record. With a respiratory specialist standing by, Molly was well taken care of and soon started breathing. The rest is herstory...
Now 6 weeks later, we are all doing great. Molly is a joy and we are adjusting to being a family of three. WOW how life changes! Jonathan and Megan are both back at work now. Jonathan quit his teaching job at Rio Linda Junior High so that he can be home with Molly. He was offered a shared position at a continuation high school in the same district which will allow him to be home with Molly the days Megan is teaching at Sierra College. Megan is teaching two days a week and can take Molly with her on the other days. A real shared effort (as it should be!).
Molly smiles, coos, and even laughs a bit. She is tracking objects and talking up a storm! She is even getting used to the near constant flash of dad's picture taking! She's just adorable and we all couldn't be happier.
Lots of Love and Laughter
Megan, Jonathan and Molly