Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Netflix for toys??

I just read about this website, BabyPlays.com, in a parenting magazine. I checked out their website and it looks like a really cool idea. Particularly considering the desire so many of us have to minimize the clutter of kids' stuff as well as our carbon footprint! I can't (yet) vouch for them but the review I read was positive and the site is interesting enough to share. I did read, however, that toys are more geared toward 5 and under. Check 'em out!

Hang out day!!

Finishing up the semester of grading, wrapping presents, cleaning the house for Channukah, and working on projects...it has been a busy day! We've played potato head, babies, puzzles, and read many books. Molly in currently on her 2nd nap (for those of you following our sleeping sagas, I'm sure you are shocked!). I guess I've worn her out today! Here are a few fun photos from today...

Goofing around!!

Earlier today I heard "Help Help Stuck!" I came around the corner and this is what I found...and as any good mom would do, I grabbed the camera!

This is from the other day...but I love it, so here you are....

Monday, December 15, 2008

Getting Ready for the Holidays

OK...not our tree, but isn't it pretty? And isn't Molly cute? No bias, of course. I love that she happens to be standing next to the "Joy" ornament--couldn't be more true. Oh the sappiness! We hope your holidays are wonderful!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What a family!

Silly, crazy family....we're so lucky they're ours!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Long Live Witches!!...and ladybugs too!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

No on Prop 4! No on Prop 8!

Molly decided to make political calls tonight (in her pj's) to encourage folks to vote NO on propositions 4 & 8!

To be serious for a moment, these propositions directly impact her future and the futures of all little girls* in the state of California. And since they are too young yet to vote, we must be their voices this November at the polls. So please...make the commitment to vote NO--and talk to your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, and anyone else you can before November 4th.

Here are some links for more information:

*of course, Prop 8 affects all genders!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


We had a great (but too warm for the fall) visit to Cool Pumpkin Patch in Dixon, Ca today with cousin Ella and Adam and JayJay. These two girls had so much fun getting dirty in the patch!

Monday, October 6, 2008

The avocado has won!

For those of you who have been following the avocado saga...I'm happy to report that the avo has won over the heart of our little picky eater!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Introducing our Kiwi family!!

Amanda married Paul Magill last Sunday (9/21/08) in a beautifully eclectic ceremony over looking the Santa Cruz bay. New Zealand and Maori tradition mixed with Mexican-American inflluences. Absolutely wonderful! Paul's family--his mum, Robyn, dad, Jon, and sister, Tina, (pictured) all made the trip to be with us as we celebrated Amanda and Paul. So too did his Aunt and Uncle and a few of his kiwi friends. What a fun and loving bunch. We had such a great time getting to know our new extended family. And Molly absolutely fell in love.

We certainly hope too much time doesn't pass before we all are together again. I love to think of a trip to NZ! That's an idea! In the meantime, to Paul's family...thank you for supporting Paul's decision to live so much of his time in the States with us, we do really embrace him as family. I can only imagine what a sacrifice it is to have your child so far away.

Sweet as...

Megan, Jonathan, and Molly

Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday!!

WooHoo!! Molly turned one today! We can hardly believe it. And what a year it has been. Quick update...she is walking (5-6 steps at a time and getting more and more bold each day) and seems to have a few words she says consistently (hi, Cole, go, bye, grappa--and others that sound real good!) She still isn't much of a sleeper but certainly a joy to be with. Here are a few other photos from her 1st birthday...

Here's to a life of celebrations!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Summer is here!

1st trip to the pool--Molly wasn't sure at first but I think she is going to live up to her 'water baby' sign!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy 40th Daddy!

Pajaro Dunes, Watsonville, CA

We just returned from a fabulous week at the beach. Molly had her first experience in the sand (yum...tastes good?!) and we celebrated Jon's 40th birthday (a bit early).

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Statewide Vote in California today...Make your voice heard!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

toxic car seats?! A bulletin from Moms Rising

Can you believe it? A recent study conducted by the watchdog group, Friends of the Earth, found that 56% of infant carriers, 44% of car seats, and 40% of the strollers they tested had dangerous levels of toxic fire retardant chemicals.[1] This is downright scary--and is yet another toxic exposure on a long list of children's products with toxic chemicals to come out lately. We have to turn this tide.

The good news: Graco, the giant manufacturer of children's products, responded to the Friends of the Earth report the day it was published. Graco says they want to do the right thing, but they haven't yet committed to removing these chemicals from their products. If Graco gets rid of these chemicals, other baby product manufacturers will be under enormous pressure to follow suit.*

Ask Graco, and other manufacturers of children's products, to not use any more halogenated fire retardants - period! http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/1768/petition.jsp?petition_KEY=1230

Haloge-what? Halogenated flame retardants have been shown to cause serious health disorders including endocrine disruption, cancer, birth defects and a host of reproductive and neurological disorders in developing fetuses and offspring in animals.

Forward this note to your family, friends, and community so we can all let Graco, and other manufacturers, know that nobody wants toxics near their kids. When consumers speak, companies listen. Moms' voices are turning the tide on toxics: After our [MomsRising] petition with your signatures was delivered several weeks ago on getting the toxic bisphenol A (BPA) out of baby bottles, Toys"R"Us, Babies"R"Us, and CVS announced they'll stop selling baby bottles which contain BPA, and Playtex committed to stop using BPA in all of their baby bottles by the year's end. So please forward this email far and wide to get as many signatures as possible--we know your signatures will have an impact. We want Graco, and other manufacturers of children's products, to know that making safe products includes keeping toxic chemicals out of them.

Together, we can make help keep dangerous chemicals away from our children.-- Joan, Kristin, Katie, and the MomsRising.org Team

Thank you to Friends of the Earth and MOMS: Making Our Milk Safe for their tremendous work on this issue.[1] Friends of the Earth report, entitled Killer Cribs, http://action.foe.org/t/3882/content.jsp?content_KEY=4205p.s.
To see the CBS story on flame retardants that ran on Monday go to: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/05/19/eveningnews/main4109418.shtmlp.p.s. Women's Campaign Forum (WCF) has launched the second annual She Should Run campaign (http://www.sheshouldrun.org ). She Should Run is a comprehensive effort to gather nominations of women leaders who should run for public office. WCF is committed to ensuring these women get essential encouragement they need and to providing them connections to key public life decision making tools and campaign resources. Do you know a woman who should run for office? Research shows women are much more likely to run if someone asks them to. Tell a woman she should run for office, share her story, and send her on her way toward becoming the influential public office holder she was always meant to be.Halogenated fire retardants have been linked to serious health disorders such as cancer, birth defects, hormone disruption, reproductive, and brain dysfunction and learning disabilities.

Tell children's product manufacturer Graco to stop using these chemicals!
Take Action

Caught ya!

10 months old and already climbing up on things to reach the top shelf! In this case a pack of diapers she pulled out from underneath the changing table to stand on. Isn't she too young to figure this out? Oh ya...we're in trouble!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Oh ya...the times are a-changin'

She's into everything!! Crawling, pulling up, and under tables! Still so much fun...but a bit more exhausting.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Molly's 1st tooth!

Molly’s first tooth poked through today.

It’s been a big week—crawling, stood on her own a few times, and a tooth! You’d think she’d nap with all that energy being expended!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Happy Spring!!

We introduced Molly to one of Jonathan's famous day road trips and went to Daffodil Hill in Amador County today. The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed a great drive with a sleeping baby in the back. The daffodils were in full bloom when we arrived. It was so much fun walking around the paths and taking pictures--put together a little film of our day. Enjoy!

Spring has been busy for us (thus the infrequent blogging...as I have heard some complaints!). Sierra College graduates on May 10th -- which seems very soon! Jonathan has been enjoying a condensed schedule of teaching with a year home part-time with Molly. And we are taking in as much family time as possible. Took Molly on her first trip to the Sacramento zoo, enjoyed spring festivities on the block, getting silly with cousin Ella, Easter in Sebastapol, meeting Heather and Emma for the first time...and celebrated Grappa's 60th birthday. With Amanda getting married, Jon turning 40, Molly turning 1, and Megan's folks celebrating 40 years of marriage...we have much to celebrate this year.

Molly and Hanna hanging out!
We co-op child care on our block with another family. Molly and Hanna get 4 days a week together--two with us and two with Hanna's family. Hanna's mommy was off track (she teaches in Elk Grove) in March, so the girls were happy to be back together again on this sunny April day! Aren't they adorable!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Molly helping daddy make the bed

Quick Molly update...
Molly is sitting quite well now, she is trying to crawl (we're hoping later rather than sooner!), she is louder and louder everyday, loves to dance, and is perfecting her waving. We have all just survived our first family cold (have pictures of that too...of course...but want to spare you the desperately sad look of a baby with a cold).
Molly continues to be a joy in our lives reminding us of what is really important...family, love, and together time. Molly turns 8 months old on March 7th--the day before her grappa turns 60! We have much to celebrate in this family.
Life is good. Cheers!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Molly and the attack of the Great Avocado

Oh no--what is this? Is it possible that Molly doesn't like avocado?

Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy Half Birthday!!

Today is Molly's 1/2 birthday (a daddy tradition!). We can hardly believe she is 6 months old! We celebrated with a little rice cereal and her first taste of applesauce. And of course a 'birthday girl' tiara (handed down from mommy).

Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy New Year!

Gott Nytt År til min familj och vānnen en Sverige!

Jonathan, Molly, and I just returned from a winter holiday in Truckee with family. Molly's first Christmas was certainly a celebration! We had lots of family time, went snow shoeing, and hung out at the cabin. It was so much fun to begin holiday traditions with Molly...what fun the years to come will be!

Molly celebrated the new year with her first taste of solid foods...a little organic rice cereal. She LOVED it! I think we have a little foodie on our hands! Good thing her future uncle is a chef!
As Christmas ends and toys are aplenty, make sure that you check out and sign up for updates to the toy recall list to make sure that the toys our kids play with are safe. And support local, organic, and fair trade products!
As we all get back into the swing of 'regular' life, may we wish you a healthy, happy, and peaceful 2008!
Love Megan, Jonathan, & Molly