We introduced Molly to one of Jonathan's famous day road trips and went to
Daffodil Hill in
Amador County today. The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed a great drive with a sleeping baby in the back. The daffodils were in full bloom when we arrived. It was so much fun walking around the paths and taking pictures--put together a little film of our day. Enjoy!
Spring has been busy for us (thus the infrequent blogging...as I have heard some complaints!). Sierra College graduates on May 10
th -- which seems very soon! Jonathan has been enjoying a condensed schedule of teaching with a year home part-time with Molly. And we are taking in as much family time as possible. Took Molly on her first trip to the Sacramento zoo, enjoyed spring festivities on the block, getting silly with cousin Ella, Easter in
Sebastapol, meeting Heather and Emma for the first time...and celebrated
Grappa's 60
th birthday. With Amanda getting married, Jon turning 40, Molly turning 1, and Megan's folks celebrating 40 years of marriage...we have much to celebrate this year.

Molly and Hanna hanging out!
We co-op child care on our block with another family. Molly and Hanna get 4 days a week together--two with us and two with Hanna's family. Hanna's mommy was off track (she teaches in Elk Grove) in March, so the girls were happy to be back together again on this sunny April day! Aren't they adorable!!