This blog is to keep our loved ones up-to-date on all things Molly & Lola! Enjoy!!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Potty Chronicles
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Molly Musings
Mommy: "Not quite...I am the boss of you but you are not the boss of me."
Molly: "Wait. We're not both bosses?"
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Our Little Fish

Friday, June 11, 2010
Feeling Crafty...
I thought I would share a few projects I was thinking about doing this summer.
Sew Liberated has a free downloadable pattern for a Child's Apron. Molly plays kitchen quite a bit but also loves ART. I'm thinking of making an Art apron for her from this pattern.
Also from Sew Liberated, here is a recipe for No-Cook Playdough:
4 tablespoons of white flour
2 tablespoons of salt
1 dropper-full of vegetable oil
2 tablespoons of water
Add the dry ingredients in a bowl. If you want to add a few drops of food coloring, make sure to add it to the water, otherwise it will be difficult to get a uniform color. Little by little, add the water. At first, stir with a spoon - once all of the water is added, start smooshing the mixture with your hands until it reaches the desired consistency. Store in an air-tight container in the fridge when not in use. Most likely, it will end up drying out after a day or two of heavy use.
I found a couple of patterns on Etsy for an art caddy and an art folio ($6 each) that I thought would be perfect for Molly's art themed birthday party.
Click here for the Art Folio pattern.
Click here for the Art Caddy Pattern.

Monday, June 7, 2010
Potty Chronicles
Then the hike...apparently she had been holding back. Four, count it, FOUR poopy diapers on our hike. Definitely a change in our hiking experience. Nothing like packing out the poop. Hikers definitely had a surprise coming around a bend and seeing us...mid trail, changing diapers. Oh parenthood.
We are now at GrammiE and PopPop's and she is not too interested in sheding the diaper for undies. Here we go again...