This morning we started off with the Farmers Market, then carved pumpkins. So much fun! Molly decided she wanted the "happiest pumpkin in the whole wide world." She and daddy went to work.

And of course it wouldn't be Jon if Molly didn't become 'pumpkin head' in the process

Finally...the festivities began! Molly's good friend Amelia came over to join the block party.

There was cookie decorating....

And of course, it isn't a party without a pinata!

And then the main event...and Molly has been practicing! "Trick or Treat!" The kids were off!!

I'm not exactly sure how the tradition of dressing up, going to strangers' houses, and asking for candy began but it is sure fun to watch your child enjoy something you have such fond memories doing. As you know everyday is a dress up day for Molly but there is something unmistakeningly special about Halloween! Hope you enjoyed a wonderful evening! I think I hear the door...more trick or treaters!