Sunday, October 31, 2010


What a day! Molly has been in count down mode all week. On Tuesday she asked me "Mommy, are you sure tomorrow isn't Sunday? 'Cuz Sunday is Halloween." A moment later..."Mommy, I am not feeling too patient." And so it has been as we waited for Halloween. Molly decided months ago to be a butterfly...uh, excuse me...a PINK and PURPLE butterfly. Two very important details.
This morning we started off with the Farmers Market, then carved pumpkins. So much fun! Molly decided she wanted the "happiest pumpkin in the whole wide world." She and daddy went to work.

And of course it wouldn't be Jon if Molly didn't become 'pumpkin head' in the process
Finally...the festivities began! Molly's good friend Amelia came over to join the block party.

There was cookie decorating....
And bobbing for apples....

And of course, it isn't a party without a pinata!

And then the main event...and Molly has been practicing! "Trick or Treat!" The kids were off!!

I'm not exactly sure how the tradition of dressing up, going to strangers' houses, and asking for candy began but it is sure fun to watch your child enjoy something you have such fond memories doing. As you know everyday is a dress up day for Molly but there is something unmistakeningly special about Halloween! Hope you enjoyed a wonderful evening! I think I hear the door...more trick or treaters!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Frosting, Sprinkles...Oh YUM!

This morning Molly and Iwere invited to decorate cookies at our good friend Gena and Amelia's house! We had so much fun! The girls were great together (with the exception of a few tears over 'sharing' issues). Along with Amelia's grammie, we decorated 6 dozen Halloween cookies.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Potty Chronicles

I can't believe that I haven't updated!! And with such great news....
Molly has been sans diaper for over a week now. No diaper for pooping AND no diaper at night. I can hardly believe it. The nighttime thing went so easily. One day she and I talked about the possibility of wearing undies at night. She loved the idea so that night we gave it a try. Haven't looked back! And it seemed to help her turn the corner on the pooping. She no longer asks for a diaper, and she has pooped at the toliet.

Big potty news around here! YAY!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Starting to feel like fall...

'Course we had to go closer to the coast to get some cool weather but it was so worth it!! (ya, like we need an excuse to go to the coast!). Here are a few photos of our very fun day, or as Molly said 'the best day ever,' in Petaluma at a Pumpkin Patch with the Dodds.

And lots of fun in the hay maze! (until there we hear "I have to go potty!" -- not ideal words when you are stuck in the middle of a maze!)