This blog is to keep our loved ones up-to-date on all things Molly & Lola! Enjoy!!
Friday, December 30, 2011
She is amazing and SO loved
Kids' Day
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Stationery card
Friday, October 28, 2011
Molly's musings
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Labor Day
Molly musings
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Molly's Mussings
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Molly's Musings
Me: "really? Feels like she is doing it in my uterus."
Molly: "nope. It's in heaven."
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Molly's Musings
The goddess with the long, long arms
Friday, August 5, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
The Balloon that Became a Fish--a story about being positive
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Molly is 4 today
Monday, July 4, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
What we do for our kids
She dances her heart out...well, when she isn't looking at herself in the mirror. She my not-quite 4 year old can not pass up the opportunity to see herself in a reflection, any reflection (even the side of the car). Vanity, thy name is Molly.
Then came recital. Oh, you should have seen her light up at the suggestion of a recital. Afterall, following the first class, when I asked her what she thought, her response was "good, but where was the stage?" The recital seemed like a bad idea to me. Two weeks of additional practice, at night, starting at 6pm and going until a minimum of 8pm. She's three. Too much. But she so wanted to do it. I took her to the parent meeting, had her listen to all the long the practices are, that she can't come see me or her dad, she has to follow directions, there is a lot of waiting, she'll only be in two short numbers...consistently she promised she wanted to do it. And so we signed her up.
The first practice went until after 8. The Friday night practice she didn't get home until a quarter to 11. Similar pattern the following week. She loved it. Never wanted to quit (trust me I asked). Never complained. Never said she didn't want to do it. And then recital.
GrammiE and PopPop came up. Tia Lou was there. We sat in the balcony to see the full show. There was no air conditioning. But we were child's performance. She was in spot #2 and then after intermission, spot #40. There were 65 performances. Which took 4 hours and 45 minutes to complete. I'm not kidding. It was unreal. But when we finally got back stage to pick her up...Molly was all smiles. Thrilled and excited. Especially thrilled with the flowers that Auntie Didi had prepared and sent with GrammiE and PopPop. She looked exhausted, and a little sweaty. But so happy. She said her favorite part was taking a bow. In her mind she is pure star. And why should she see herself any other way.
I still question the sanity of allowing my 3 year old daughter go through such long practices and even longer performance. I still don't particularly love the idea of ballet classes. But there is no denying how happy she is while doing ballet. She is feeling her body move, she is strong in herself, and happy. What more could ya want?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Molly Musings
Molly: mom, what is pope?
Me: what?
Molly: pope
Me: well, that's a religious leader who lives in Italy
Molly: no, it's the white stuff inside an orange and sometimes in the juice
June 6
3:30 am and Molly wants to know why some people are allergic to aardvarks
June 2
"Me, Me, Me...I'm telling you that is how my life is going to go."~Molly
May 30
"can I open my umbrella indoors? I don't believe it is bad luck so it's not bad luck for me."-Molly
May 29
"Mom, can you catch a cloud so I can taste it?"-Molly, 1st thing this morning
Yosemite 2011

Took our annual trip to Yosemite. But not our typical trip! Due to weather about half the usual folks cancelled, the rest of us set out for a wet weekend. Started off well, easy drive in. Stopped at Bridalveil Falls, then went and set up camp along with pop-ups and tarp structures to give us shelter in the rain. Then we headed to Yosemite falls. A little misty and cold but a nice walk in the valley. The weather seemed to be working with us. On Saturday morning we got up with the intention of hiking Vernal Falls and the mist trail but Molly was acting funky and at 13 weeks pregnant I was a bit low energy. So we walked to Mirror Lake and took the shuttle to the Ansel Adams museum...where Molly promptly threw up all over Jon after getting off the shuttle. Poor thing...and we were just saying how she had never vomitted yet in her life. Maybe I jinxed her :(
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Molly Musings
Molly is on the phone. She is calling the doctor because Bobo (the monkey) was jumping on the bed. She is describing the whole situation to the 'doctor.'
We were at Costco and I said to Molly "I think we are forgetting something." Molly said "Ya, I think we need champagne"
Molly asked "What is Wonder Woman wondering about?"
Molly asked which is longer...see ya later alligator or in a while crocodile?
Told Molly she lost privileges for not listening. She said "so, I don't get to buy a pony?"
Molly wants to know..."why do we call it a cold if your body gets warm and you have a fever?"
Molly: "I'm making sushi."
Jon: "What is in your sushi?"
Molly: "Cheese, cauliflower, and cookies."
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Twinkle Little STAR....
If she can look away from the mirror long enough maybe we have a star...or not?!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
All she needs now is a subway
Friday, January 7, 2011
Celebrating Molly's Half Birthday
Later in the day we went to Freeport Bakery--our neighborhood bakery--and celebrated with a chocolate cupcake with rainbow sprinkles (Molly ate the sprinkles and frosting and left the cake behind...sounds like a certain GrammiE!)
And we finished our day with Molly's first ballet/tap dance class...a complete hit! She LOVED it! LOVED.IT! All day she talked about being on a stage. I tried explaining that this was a class, to learn but she knew that there would be a stage because she had been practicing her 'moves' at home. She loved the class but at the end, as we walked to the car, she asked "but mommy, why wasn't there a stage?"

And the class ended with a little free dance (and freeze). I don' t know if you can see this well but Molly's 'freeze' was in her exact (and dramatic) pose each time. So funny and Too Fun! A fantabulous day!