"what do you mean there is no binkie?"
"well, this preschool says no binkies at school."
"ok, well just for rest. I'll put it in my back pack."
"sweetie, there are no binkies allowed even for nap."
"how do you know?"
" I read it in the rule book."
" I read it in the rule book."
"Wait, this preschool has a rule book?"
followed by another long pause...
But then she put the binkie next to her bed and we drove to school. We arrived, checked her in, picked out her new cubby (*sigh*), and gave her a kiss on the hand (a la the book Kissing Hand) and a big hug, and she took Ms. Akeema's hand and headed outside to play with the other kids.
I worried all day. My skin felt on fire with anxiousness and desire to go get her. I got a call from Ms. Akeema at about 12:30 telling me that Molly was doing great and making new friends. Some relief but still I wanted to see her, ask her myself.
Right after class...and I mean right after, I even moved my car closer to the classroom so I could get off campus faster...I went to pick her up. I walked into preschool at 3:30pm. They were in the middle of snack. Molly looked up from the table, gave me a little wave, and then went back to snack and talking to friends. I talked to the teachers while she finished up and discovered that she was one of the first to fall asleep and the very last to wake up! She never asked about the b-i-n-k-i-e! She also made fast friends with another little girl also named Molly! She did great!
Snack was over, Molly helped to clean up and then she joined the other kids to line up to go outside. Eh...em, HELLO! I'm here to pick her up. Ms. Akeema said "Molly, I think your mom is here to pick you up." So she comes over, gives me a big hug and said "Mom, why are we leaving when the other kids get to go outside?"
So in the end, I think she will be just fine. And probably even thrive at her new program. I'm thrilled and emotionally exhausted! Like I say, this mama stuff isn't for the weak!

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