A friend of mine showed me a gingerbread house that her daughter made with her dad. They made it out of graham crackers. Seemed like such a great idea...and so simple. Um...huh...well, today Molly and I headed out and got some candy supplies and using the left over frosting from the Hanukkah party decided to put together our own gingerbread house.
The roof kept falling in on itself. Molly said with that sweet little head of hers cocked to the side and her one eye squinted, "I think we should wait for grammiE"

But we persevered. Since daddy is in Arizona I thought we could go with that flat top roof that seems to popular in the desert. Whatever...it kind of worked and we do have that FAN-TAB-ULOUS house to make with GrammiE once we get to the cabin.

Trying to clean up a bit and Molly said "I'm licking my way to happiness" -- in the end I think her true motive was met.

Oh, well it is the effort that counts, right?
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