This blog is to keep our loved ones up-to-date on all things Molly & Lola! Enjoy!!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Molly received a video message from Santa
Click HERE for the message
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
A Gingerbread House?
A friend of mine showed me a gingerbread house that her daughter made with her dad. They made it out of graham crackers. Seemed like such a great idea...and so simple. Um...huh...well, today Molly and I headed out and got some candy supplies and using the left over frosting from the Hanukkah party decided to put together our own gingerbread house.
The roof kept falling in on itself. Molly said with that sweet little head of hers cocked to the side and her one eye squinted, "I think we should wait for grammiE"

But we persevered. Since daddy is in Arizona I thought we could go with that flat top roof that seems to popular in the desert. kind of worked and we do have that FAN-TAB-ULOUS house to make with GrammiE once we get to the cabin.
Trying to clean up a bit and Molly said "I'm licking my way to happiness" -- in the end I think her true motive was met.
The roof kept falling in on itself. Molly said with that sweet little head of hers cocked to the side and her one eye squinted, "I think we should wait for grammiE"
But we persevered. Since daddy is in Arizona I thought we could go with that flat top roof that seems to popular in the desert. kind of worked and we do have that FAN-TAB-ULOUS house to make with GrammiE once we get to the cabin.
A Santa Visit
I've been dreading the Santa-at-the-mall visit since Molly was born. I've successfully avoided it because of my stellar neighborhood that has a direct line to Santa who then visits us on the block each winter. But this year, it looks like Santa might not be able to make it to Harkness Street for photo opp's. So this morning, Molly picked out her Christmas outfit, complete with reindeer headband and we headed downtown. I had heard that there were fewer crowds, and thus less wait. I looked up the location, the photo package options, and the time and we had a plan. But when we arrived not only were there no lines, there was no Santa. I double checked my phone, and the rather large posting on the wall next to where Santa was scheduled to be. All correct. Looks like Santa is a no show. But just when Molly was getting discouraged, guess who came around the corner? It was old (actually pretty young) St. Nick. He gave Molly a big hug and offered to take photos. And then he was off. I have no idea what the plan is for the mall but we came home pretty happy and with a pretty cute photo.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
A Fancy Nancy Christmas
I couldn't get blogger to allow me to upload Molly reading the Fancy Nancy Christmas so I posted on YouTube. Click here to see!
Starting to feel festive!
I've finished grading for the semester and we're all feeling a bit festive! Yesterday we took a family outing to a bookstore for a kids' holiday storytime. They read a number of fun holiday books including Fancy Nancy and Olivia Christmas stories (Molly's favorites) and The Polar Express (Jon and my favorite!). The Pavillans is all are a few pictures of Molly getting into the spirit!

Sunday, December 5, 2010
Happy Hanukkah!

Unfortunately, we're having trouble with our camera but here are a few pics of the day:

Happy Hanukkah from us!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Molly Musings
Today, when I picked Molly up from preschool I asked her how her day was. We talked a bit. And I asked her if she played with little Amelia (a friend of ours). Molly said "Yes, we played outside. We played 'sick and cake'." What is that I asked, intrigued. She replied "One person gets sick the other one gives out the medicine and then they both eat cake." Sounds like a good game to me!
Monday, November 1, 2010
A New Preschool
Molly started a new preschool today. It is a larger program with a curriculum based in the philosophy of High Scope which focuses on active play based learning. Her school is right next to Sierra College so she and I drive up to school together each morning. She has been a little apprehensive about a new program. She was really worried about rest time. And I didn't tell her until this morning that there are no binkies allowed. You should have seen her face...kinda wish I had a camera to catch it. There was a long pause...a look...more pause...then

"what do you mean there is no binkie?"
"well, this preschool says no binkies at school."
"ok, well just for rest. I'll put it in my back pack."
"sweetie, there are no binkies allowed even for nap."
"how do you know?"
" I read it in the rule book."
" I read it in the rule book."
"Wait, this preschool has a rule book?"
followed by another long pause...
But then she put the binkie next to her bed and we drove to school. We arrived, checked her in, picked out her new cubby (*sigh*), and gave her a kiss on the hand (a la the book Kissing Hand) and a big hug, and she took Ms. Akeema's hand and headed outside to play with the other kids.
I worried all day. My skin felt on fire with anxiousness and desire to go get her. I got a call from Ms. Akeema at about 12:30 telling me that Molly was doing great and making new friends. Some relief but still I wanted to see her, ask her myself.
Right after class...and I mean right after, I even moved my car closer to the classroom so I could get off campus faster...I went to pick her up. I walked into preschool at 3:30pm. They were in the middle of snack. Molly looked up from the table, gave me a little wave, and then went back to snack and talking to friends. I talked to the teachers while she finished up and discovered that she was one of the first to fall asleep and the very last to wake up! She never asked about the b-i-n-k-i-e! She also made fast friends with another little girl also named Molly! She did great!
Snack was over, Molly helped to clean up and then she joined the other kids to line up to go outside. Eh...em, HELLO! I'm here to pick her up. Ms. Akeema said "Molly, I think your mom is here to pick you up." So she comes over, gives me a big hug and said "Mom, why are we leaving when the other kids get to go outside?"
So in the end, I think she will be just fine. And probably even thrive at her new program. I'm thrilled and emotionally exhausted! Like I say, this mama stuff isn't for the weak!

A "Barbie" Halloween
Everybody, including Molly, knows how I feel about Barbie. I've made peace with the princess obsession by introducing strong and capable princesses--ones who don't need rescuing (and don't get into situations from which to be rescued in the first place!). Molly gets the notion that being smart is good, being capable is good. But still we have gone round and round about why mommy doesn't care for Barbie. It is a pretty done deal.
Then came last night. We had such fun at our Halloween celebration. Our group is still young enough (and conscious enough) to have age-approporiate costumes for kids. We have good 'ole fashioned' fun--bobbing for apples, pinatas, etc. And of course trick or treating. Molly had such a good time.
So there we are Trick or Treating...and at the last house we experienced a Halloween miracle (from Molly's perspective I'm sure this was even better than a Christmas miracle!). The last house we visited was very decorated and the owners sat on the porch in great pirate costumes. For the kids, instead of candy, there was a big tub of toys to chose from. Pretty exciting and very generous. Well, it didn't take Molly long to choose. She came running back to me with such thrill in her eyes. I think she thought she had finally thrawted the system. With a little fear in her voice she said, "Look Mommy, a barbie..." She could hardly believe her luck but I think she as also concerned I would take her away. My head was spinning. What to do? She was so excited. So happy. How could I take this special surprise away from her? How could I not?
It was dark out and as I was trying to come up with a response I looked closer at her hand and what do I see....the 'Barbie' that Molly picked out (out of the many choices) was Xena--the Warrior Princess!!! My baby girl picked out the warrior princess!

Sunday, October 31, 2010
What a day! Molly has been in count down mode all week. On Tuesday she asked me "Mommy, are you sure tomorrow isn't Sunday? 'Cuz Sunday is Halloween." A moment later..."Mommy, I am not feeling too patient." And so it has been as we waited for Halloween. Molly decided months ago to be a butterfly...uh, excuse me...a PINK and PURPLE butterfly. Two very important details.

There was cookie decorating....
And bobbing for apples....

I'm not exactly sure how the tradition of dressing up, going to strangers' houses, and asking for candy began but it is sure fun to watch your child enjoy something you have such fond memories doing. As you know everyday is a dress up day for Molly but there is something unmistakeningly special about Halloween! Hope you enjoyed a wonderful evening! I think I hear the door...more trick or treaters!

This morning we started off with the Farmers Market, then carved pumpkins. So much fun! Molly decided she wanted the "happiest pumpkin in the whole wide world." She and daddy went to work.

And of course it wouldn't be Jon if Molly didn't become 'pumpkin head' in the process

Finally...the festivities began! Molly's good friend Amelia came over to join the block party.

There was cookie decorating....

And of course, it isn't a party without a pinata!

And then the main event...and Molly has been practicing! "Trick or Treat!" The kids were off!!

I'm not exactly sure how the tradition of dressing up, going to strangers' houses, and asking for candy began but it is sure fun to watch your child enjoy something you have such fond memories doing. As you know everyday is a dress up day for Molly but there is something unmistakeningly special about Halloween! Hope you enjoyed a wonderful evening! I think I hear the door...more trick or treaters!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Frosting, Sprinkles...Oh YUM!
This morning Molly and Iwere invited to decorate cookies at our good friend Gena and Amelia's house! We had so much fun! The girls were great together (with the exception of a few tears over 'sharing' issues). Along with Amelia's grammie, we decorated 6 dozen Halloween cookies. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Potty Chronicles
I can't believe that I haven't updated!! And with such great news....
Molly has been sans diaper for over a week now. No diaper for pooping AND no diaper at night. I can hardly believe it. The nighttime thing went so easily. One day she and I talked about the possibility of wearing undies at night. She loved the idea so that night we gave it a try. Haven't looked back! And it seemed to help her turn the corner on the pooping. She no longer asks for a diaper, and she has pooped at the toliet.
Big potty news around here! YAY!
Molly has been sans diaper for over a week now. No diaper for pooping AND no diaper at night. I can hardly believe it. The nighttime thing went so easily. One day she and I talked about the possibility of wearing undies at night. She loved the idea so that night we gave it a try. Haven't looked back! And it seemed to help her turn the corner on the pooping. She no longer asks for a diaper, and she has pooped at the toliet.
Big potty news around here! YAY!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Starting to feel like fall...
'Course we had to go closer to the coast to get some cool weather but it was so worth it!! (ya, like we need an excuse to go to the coast!). Here are a few photos of our very fun day, or as Molly said 'the best day ever,' in Petaluma at a Pumpkin Patch with the Dodds.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Fall where art tho?

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Molly Musings
"I don't need to go to preschool. I'm going to teach myself everything I don't know."
Thursday, August 26, 2010
New Do
Molly's First Haircut (age 3 years old)
very nervous and a little bit scared, Molly didn't know what to expect
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