Monday, September 3, 2007

Happy Labor Day 2007!
We spent the weekend in Tahoe-Donner. Daddy and Grappa stained the cabin. It was truly a labor weekend! Grammie, mommy and Molly went for walks, visited with Linnis, played and talked! Molly is very active--she smiles and talks and can hold her head up for longer and longer periods of time. Molly entertains us well--we call it Molly-vision (instead of television) or MTV (as Jon says "molly TV"). We're all having so much fun! Can't believe how fast the time goes--Molly will be 2 months old this Friday--September 7th.
Lots of love and laughter--
Megan, Jonathan and Molly

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a sweet happy baby! Just love her!