Thursday, July 29, 2010

Potty Chronicles

Exciting news! This is the second morning in a row that Molly has woken up with a dry diaper and went potty on the potty. A few more of these and she may be sans night time diaper! Can it be so?

Oh how I am laughing at myself that this is newsworthy and my reaction is to blog it. Motherhood in the 21st century is techno-interesting!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Not the first day of school

I dropped Molly off at preschool this morning for a trial run. In my mind I wasn't counting this day. It is just a practice day, not real preschool...not yet. Molly has been having so much separation anxiety lately that I wasn't sure if I was even leaving there today. So it didn't count.

We arrived. She was a little apprehensive but warmed quickly. Met a couple kids and then started a learning 'job' and was on her way. I started to explain to her that I was going and would be back in a bit and she happily, easily said "OK, bye mom."

Outside, I pulled my car out of view and sat by the side of the road for a couple of minutes. Sort of stunned. Didn't feel so trial or practice run-nish. My baby went to school today. And while I know how good this is and remember well my own love for preschool, I can't help being a little teary. *sniff*

(no pictures to post because like I said, this wasn't supposed to be the official first day)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Just to bug you

(Earlier today at the store...note the look of longing)

This afternoon:
Molly: "I'm pretending to be a Barbie Princess."
Mommy: "Why?"
Molly: "Just to bug you."

Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer fun!

Upper Lake Clementine

The Birth Day

July 7, 2010

Three years ago I had a baby girl. Nothing went as planned. But three years later and my life has changed in ways I could never have imagined and in ways I would never change. All day on the 7th I was flooded with thoughts of her birth day. When I first saw her...and now I watch her in her little 3-year old body so capable, so wondrous, so adventurous, so much joy. She is a whole person. Not many years ago there was no her, and now here she is. Truly remarkable.

And on her birth day a new me was birthed. A mother me. The fears, the joys, the thoughts that run through my head on a moment to moment is all so bizarre. I've never lived a reality with so many contradictions. So amazingly thankful that I have her yet so debilitating fearful that something will happen to her. A yearning to be an individual, self-defined woman yet embracing the time honored tradition of motherhood. Proud of and loving my career and yet often want nothing more than to hang out with her. Fighting with her to go to bed then missing her when she is asleep (OK, while true that one is a bit maddening!) Motherhood.

Anyhow, too many thoughts to sort through on this blog. Here are a few pictures of how we spent her birth day...

Hiking, swimming, exploring Lake Tahoe

And because the first thing this child of mine asked upon waking on her 'actual birthday' was do I get cake for my actual birthday??

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Art of Turning Three

Molly's birthday party at Art Beast was so much fun! We did an art theme to go along with the place and made everything rainbow colors. My mom made a fabulous tiered rainbow cupcake cake (we first saw in Hello Cupcake) and I put together really thank you goodies--buckets of art supplies in all the rainbow colors. I put in scissors for kids, rulers, crayons, pencils. stickers, pipe cleaners, crayola note pads in multiple colors, and other fun supplies (eye balls, embellishments, etc). I hope the kids have as much fun playing with them as I did putting them together! I also put together a garland of photos from the past year (included photos of Molly with each of the kids at her party).

Art Beast was a perfect place to have a party. Bree, our party guide, was so great! Organized, fun, and absolutely great with the kids! She kept things moving so smoothly and facilitated an art project (they made crowns) and handled cake and present time. Who knew parties could be so easy!?

A special clip for the A-Team!

And now she is 3...almost!

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Eve Before

After lots of planning tomorrow is Molly's 3rd birthday party at Art Beast Studio. She'll officially be three on Wednesday but we'll be celebrating with about a dozen kids tomorrow. She is so excited. I am too. I LOVE this party theme and Art Beast is a great organization in Sacramento. We've spent many hours there over this past year.

I can hardly believe that she is almost three. Watching her sleep (yes, she is actually asleep right now) she looks so little, like that newborn baby I first held in my arms in 2007. Flash forward in a minute and now she's three...almost. She has ideas and observations, her own little personality, she is kind and funny. She is my little buddy to hang out with and have endless conversations with. She challenges just enough to know that she has some spirit to her. She is totally and completely amazing. She has changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. And in ways I would never change.