Monday, July 18, 2011

The Balloon that Became a Fish--a story about being positive

Molly got a balloon at Nugget. She held onto it so tight (the clip AND the string) so it wouldn't fly away before we got to the car. As I was putting groceries into the car, Molly went to play/stand by a tree so she was out of the parking lot. The balloon popped. :( She was shocked then... huge, sincere croc tears. She was so distraught. I wanted to go back in and get another but we had popscicles and it was hot. I tried to console her, she cried and cried. Then part way home she stopped and said, "Well it is good that I still have the clip and the string to play with." OMG. A few minutes later she pretended it was a fishing pole and the busted balloon at the end was a fish, she 'caught' it over and over until we got home. She amazes me. She can do at four what many adults cannot.

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