Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Potty Training Progress

Not much progress unfortunately. Our new 'program' in place is no diapers at home. We've been doing this for a couple of weeks. At first there were many accidents. Molly really didn't seem to know or anticipate that she needed to 'go' but then we had a number of days in a row where it appeared that she was holding 'it.' Holding it until she was in a diaper. She would go hours without peeing to go within minutes of having a diaper on. Frequent trips to the potty, no luck. Lots of conversations. We've even given incentives. I felt optimistic that she was holding it (despite concerns for bladder health) because maybe it means that she is understanding her body better. But the last few days ... back to accidents. Saving on diapers but definitely increasing the water usage for laundry! She seems to understand the process but not taking the next step. Today, after an accident, I asked Molly why she didn't go potty on the potty. Her reply? "Because I am not potty trained mama." So there's the logic. Who can argue?

She will potty train, right? Not like she'll be headed to college in a diaper...right?

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