Monday, July 26, 2010

Not the first day of school

I dropped Molly off at preschool this morning for a trial run. In my mind I wasn't counting this day. It is just a practice day, not real preschool...not yet. Molly has been having so much separation anxiety lately that I wasn't sure if I was even leaving there today. So it didn't count.

We arrived. She was a little apprehensive but warmed quickly. Met a couple kids and then started a learning 'job' and was on her way. I started to explain to her that I was going and would be back in a bit and she happily, easily said "OK, bye mom."

Outside, I pulled my car out of view and sat by the side of the road for a couple of minutes. Sort of stunned. Didn't feel so trial or practice run-nish. My baby went to school today. And while I know how good this is and remember well my own love for preschool, I can't help being a little teary. *sniff*

(no pictures to post because like I said, this wasn't supposed to be the official first day)

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